Imam mohammad

  • 14:17

Ask Mr.RaefiPour

  • 15:18

Ask Mr.RaefiPour

Mr. RaefiPour is a university professor and researcher in the apocalyptic topics and Cults.

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Ask Mr.RaefiPour

  • ۲۷۴


  • 15:08


Allah the Almighty says;
Your Lord revealed to the bees: “Build dwellings in the mountains and the trees, and also in the structures which men erect. Then eat from every kind of fruit and travel the paths of your Lord, which have been made easy for you to follow.” From inside them comes a drink of varying colours, containing healing for mankind. There is certainly a Sign in that for people who reflect”  (16: 68)

(وأوحى ربک إلى النحل أن اتخذی من الجبال بیوتاً ومن الشجر، ومما یعرشون، ثم کلی من کل الثمرات فاسلکی سبل ربک ذللا ، یخرج من بطونها شراب مختلف ألوانه فیه شفاء للناس، إن فی ذلک لآیة لقوم یتفکرون) النحل 68

History of Obelisk

  • 14:55
History of Obelisk

History of Obelisk

Around the world, from the Great Sultan Ahmad Mosque of Turkey to the Cathedral of St. Peter in the Vatican and the White House, we see soaring pillars with a pyramid head. These columns were symbols of atheism and paganism in the ancient Egyptian religions that have been interpreted differently from time to time. Obelisk, nowadays, have become one of the most respected Freemasonry symbols and followers of Satanic cults and these groups have tried to spread them anywhere in the world in the last few centuries.

jesus messages

  • 18:24

Obelisk in fire

  • 17:44

Obelisk in fire


Fear of the future

  • 17:27

Fear of the future


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mahdi(pbuh) & jesus(pbuh) will come together

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